Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The orphan destined to be Prince....

It is the strangest way to get inspired, that is through a movie you underestimated! 
I know I've been saying it again and again that I will start blogging more frequently... but never actually kept to that word, till last night...

Yesterday was a catch up date with my bff ms lolo  and we decided (thanks to somebody else's smart suggestion.... to watch the movie spinned off a game :  Prince of Persia- The Sands of Time... 
Personally, it is the movie of the year for now! 
 The plot, the actors, the production and the graphics---- AWESOME with a capital all .

A summer movie that you must watch is this...

*WARNING* -Spoiler Alert-

Kudos Disney!  [yea...its a disney's joint  production with  and it looks like they have finally decided slowly cut off from their mainstream Disney movies]

Yet, they still manage to leave that typical Disney imprint in our hearts...where one would long that such a story was reality...
         he looks great                     17262591
 a poor but handsome, witty and brave young boy would become the Prince to a kingdom so mighty , the kingdom of Persia...
Jake Gyllenhaal played the role very very well... acting simply runs too deep and strong in his veins... Dustan (the character he plays) was portrayed cheeky, smart, courageous and most importantly-righteous.... probably 
this made most fans < girls especially > long and want to see such courage and magic happen in front of their own eyes...

Sadly though, Sir Ben Kingsley gave it away from the very beginning that he was the real antagonist ....
so I didn't find it much of a suspense there...

The theme of brotherly love and trust is quite a relive to the movie world as we've been exposed for too long in the past decade or so on how evil and merciless things get when it concerns family too...

In simple words... this movie was like fresh air to movie-holics like me.
Unxpectedly refreshing! 

In addition to that, it has inspired me to write again!    ( =

Favourite quote :

Tamina: That's impossible. 
Prince Dastan: Difficult, not impossible 

this post is dedicated to all my friends and followers who insisted I blog again...thank you!

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