Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Ta - Daaa!

it took me over 24 hours to just move from the laptop to the desktop pc....
to reconfigure my blog page! 
well, nothing much really. its still looks as boring as ever... even worse maybe...
plain white template...
added my favourite  perky colours here and there 

Apparently, it nearly caused more errors to the page when I tried editing it via html encryption... 
Too lazy to renovate the page (again...) , so , let us not go there for now .

More to that, I decided to allow pictures be blogged onto this account too! 
so it wouldn't be at picasa only...
unfortunately (or maybe very fortunately), it will only be pictures of random places and faces
One will still need my pass code to access my picasa web blog    

After three or so years... I am proud of myself to have
finally have done something to this  ...err...
byte page of mine..

It still will NOT serve as a daily journal....
maybe just more as an updater for now...

I hope to blog more often though


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